
Friday, December 2, 2016

Domex 1Million Clean Toilets

In all of our travels abroad and even during local hotel staycations, one of the first things I do once we get settled down in our hotel room is to wipe down the toilet seat with a sanitizing solution. 

When my 2 girls were toddlers, I was very specific in the instructions I gave their yayas on how to sanitize the public toilet before my girls are to use them.

I'm OC about toilet hygiene talaga.

As a mother, I want to protect my kids from certain dangers to keep them healthy. I feel like it is my responsibility to teach them to keep themselves healthy as they grow up.

At home, shempre, I am as OC about hygiene in our bathrooms din.

Here's a very short checklist of toilet hygiene that we observe at home:

1. I remind everyone to wash their hands with soap and water after using the toilet. The hands are one of the most common causes of cross contamination and cross infection in the home.

2. I make sure we don’t use the same cleaning cloth or brush for the toilet as we do for the bathroom sink – or the kitchen! Yikes! Kadire!

3. No gadgets allowed in the batahroom. Anything you take into the bathroom can get contaminated with lingering germs. If you bring your gadgets with you to the bathroom, even if you wash your hands after every bathroom break, you don't disinfect your phone naman after every bathroom break, di ba? … and then you put it to your face when someone calls later on. Yuck, di ba?

4. Regularly clean and disinfect frequently commonly touched surfaces such as the toilet flush, toilet seats, bathroom taps, door knobs using a cleaner like Domex, which powerfully cleans and disinfects.

Domex 1Million Clean Toilets

Domex is a thick bleach that can remove stubborn stains compared to regular bleach.
I snapped this photo during a recent presentation showing how effective Domex is in keeping the bathroom safe and free from germs.

My tablemates and I all prioritize keeping our homes clean for our families. 
We are all joining Domex in its drive for 1 Million Clean Toilets.

To know more about Domex Philippines


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