The first swim compe of the year just happened, and that means a handful more swim meets to follow. But I'm not complaining. I always enjoy watching my kids swim!

Three golds (200m breaststroke, 100m freestyle, 200m Individual medley) and 2 bronzes ( 200m butterfly and 400m freestyle). 5 podium finish for 5 events joined. Woohoo!
What I like about the swimming is that it is a pure sport. It’s not subjective. Winners are awarded based on the finish time and not based on human judgment. The point is this: everyone does not get a medal, nor a participation trophy. Kids learn that if they want to get a medal, then they have to keep on trying their best until they achieve their desired time.
And sometimes even if they claim to give their best, their best could simply be not enough. And so this should drive them to strive to give better than their best. Because in real life, people don't get promoted at work just for showing up and claiming to give their best. Effort still has to be matched with results. Am I right? It's just a realistic way of looking at things.
For me, swimming, or any sport in general, is a way to teach our kids to give it their all, even when it’s hard; even when they are struggling. I want striving for excellence to be a way of life for my kids. I always remind R that one of the reasons he should strive for excellence is because he is doing it for Jesus.
Colossians 3:23
Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord
rather than for people.

R with one of his good buds on the team.
Don't you find their color coordinated shorts and backpacks too cute!
* * *
On the other hand, J has gone back to competing this year after almost a hiatus of year and half. It took some convincing for her to go back to competing. She was hesitant for the longest time because she has slowed down considerably. From competing on the national level, she is now just content to be a school varsity swimmer.
3 years ago, she already qualified for the Batang Pinoy national finals and the Palarong Pambansa champs. Along the way, she got sidetracked with other interests and became very active in school committees and is now also writing for the school newspaper. Although, she's still training with the team, swimming has become the last priority for her.
I finally asked her to make a decision. Either she take her swim training seriously by challenging herself to join the g-league meets again, or she can stop training altogether. No half-measures. I mean, the family's schedule had to change to accommodate her training. I'm giving up my precious time to bring her to and pick her up from the pool. I have to pay for her monthly training fee.
There are only two paths: one leading to mediocrity, and the other one leading to excellence.
Either you're in all the way, or you're fully out.
Either you DO or you DON'T.
Ganon ka-simple, di ba? Sometimes, I feel like she is stretching herself out too thin with the numerous activities. I do not mind if there are days when she has to skip swim training because of a very tight sked. I certainly want to make it clear to her that I am not forcing her to swim. I will still fully support her should she wish to concentrate on other things. But should she decide to stay training with the team, then I will most certainly force her to give her best effort everytime she is in the water.
Today is the start of twice a day training for the summer season. While I'm not looking forward to my waking up early in the morning to bring them to the pool, I am definitely happy if only because my teen daughter is forced to sleep early each night. Hahaha! Too much chatting with too many people means too much time wasted. Haay teens and social media! But that story belongs to another blogpost!
That's it! More swimming stories after the next compe.:)
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