Friday, April 24, 2015

Little Girls + Tea Parties

Ever since my 3 kids started going to school, I have always prayed for them to find great friends. And for the most part, we are blessed that their friends are great ones. Upto this day, I continuously pray that they attract and maintain friends who are a good influence to them. In the same manner, I've also asked God to not let anyone of them experience the suffering that can happen when they associate with friends who can be a bad influence in their lives. Better yet, I request God to take out anyone who does not have a godly influence on them.

The friends of my second daughter, B, are the most creative and imaginative. I love that in this day of gadgets, their playdates are filled with imaginative play full of dress-ups, castles, fairies, wizards, princesses, wands... all the good stuff that their creative and highly imaginative minds are made of! Just a few weeks ago, one of her friends thought of inviting everyone in their group for a tea party! How fun, di ba? 

It was just the perfect time also to use the floral plates and cups that Melawares sent over a few months ago. I asked the mom of the host if it was ok with her that I send over the plates so our girls could use it for their tea party. Good thing she said yes. Perfect addition, don't you think?

My 2 girls got busy in the kitchen and baked something for the tea party!

Here are photos from the tea party which my daughter shared with me:

This tea party is complete with flowers (made out of paper, handmade, of course!), tea pot, tea cups, tiny saucers. AND the little ladies all came wearing dresses!

So grateful that my daughter found herself great friends who are kind and thoughtful.

*  *  *

How To Pick Friends
Aside from praying for them, I also give my kids biblical quotes to better explain to them why I always stress the importance of choosing their friends wisely. I pray for them, and I ask them to pray to God also to show them which friends are worth investing their time and effort in.  

{Proverbs 12:26} One who is righteous is a guide to his neighbor, but the way of the wicked leads them astray.

{Proverbs 13:20} Walk with the wise and become wise; associate with fools and get in trouble.

{1 Corinthians 15:33} Do not be deceived: “Bad company ruins good morals.”

How To Treat Friends
Of course, I also give them Biblical quotes on how to keep friends by treating their friends fairly and kindly.

{Luke 6:31} And as you wish that others would do to you, do so to them.

{Romans 12:10} Love one another with brotherly affection. Out do one another in showing honor.

{Ephesians 4:29, 32} Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear. Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.

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In case you are curious about the lovely floral plates which I featured above, they are part of  Vintage in English Rose design from Melawares.  Melawares sent me a set a few months ago which I kept in the pantry, knowing that I would be able to put them to good use someday.

So nice, noh? They are available in the home department of your favorite department stores.

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  1. the floral plates are super pretty Tina! Sati's been asking me to hold a tea party for her and some of my friends' daughter..

    I wonder, what kind of tea for the kids?

  2. I like the plates, it looks very nice! Thanks for the bible quotes too! The bible has a lot to say when it comes to friends.

  3. My girls have never been to a tea party. I think it's time I host one for them. :) You're right, those Melaware plates are perfect.

  4. Mommy, ang ganda ng plates. hihi! Super weakness ko talaga floral prints! :)

  5. Very 60's looking party! So beautiful!

  6. I haven't held any tea party for my kids. My eldest daughter is already in her teens but probably I will have one for my youngest daughter who will be Grade 1 this opening. Maybe after developing best friends from her new school, I hope I can have one for her. Thanks for sharing by the way. You are indeed a phenomenal mama with all of these!
