His name is Diego Ledesma, and you’ve most probably seen him in PLDT HOME DSL’s TV commercial. Aside from being a total showstopper in the TV commercial, his other claim to fame is his advice column on Facebook, “Ask Diego”.
Ask Diego Fan Page is about a 7-year old Diego who gives online advice with the help of this family. The Ledesmas are the ideal example of today’s young, urban family: tight-knit, enjoys doing things together online using multiple gadgets simultaneously to help one another out.
His parents have started to monitor the page constantly because Diego gets so many questions on topics ranging on love, studies, and bullying, all the way to vacation and business ideas. Before he sees the questions, Daddy Paolo and Mommy Lara delete offensive content, and sometimes answer the more difficult questions themselves. Then they help him type out answers, especially when he asks about how to spell words. On occasion, Diego also gets ideas for answers from his Ate Trisha.
Do you want to try asking Diego a question? Try it, and you just might get ans answer from him! Check out Ask Diego on facebook.com/AskDiego.
We have been loyal PLDT HOME DSL subscribers for years now, and this allows for LIMITLESS FAMILY SHARING as we all have our own gadgets connected to the internet simultaneously. I am online most of the times either to write a blog post, check my email, and manage my social media sites. My husband uses the internet to monitor the stockmarket, for business, and to download our favorite TV series which we watch at night to relax. My teenager is always online because she feels like she has to always be connected with all of her friends across all social media. My two younger ones are just content to connect with each other when they play online games on their iPads like Mine Craft and Clash of Clans..
While I do limit my kids online time, the importance of a STRONG AND RELIABLE FAMILY-SIZED CONNETION is of primary significance to us, most especially when the kids go back to school next month and they have to go online simultaneously to do research for school and coordinate with groupmates for school projects.
My husband and I also use our PLDT HOME DSL connection when we do our daily devotions. There are several apps on each of our iPad minis that we use to help us with our quiet time. I use the Turning Point by Dr. David Jeremiah since it also has a recommended daily Bible reading to help me along. My daily bible study guide needs internet connection to refresh daily.
This is how a FAMILY-SIZED CONNECTION should be! PLDT HOME DSL allows my family to connect both online and even offline, as well. Recently, PLDT invited my family of 5 to watcha blocked screening of X-MEN: Days of Future Past at Shangri-La Mall. The kids were beyond happy as this was touted to be the best X_Men movie ever.
To sign up for your own strong, reliable family-sized connection of PLDT HOME DSL, visit pldthome.com.
Oh, so lucky you already watched X-Men! I love your pants.